Fundraiser Opportunity for Abortion Funds

HOST A SCREENING of Abortion Helpline, This is Lisa

In just 13 minutes, the Oscar-shortlisted documentary Abortion Helpline, This is Lisa tells the story of the crucial work of abortion funds and the detrimental effects of the Hyde Amendment.

Abortion Helpline, This is Lisa tells the story of one abortion fund - but we know the story is so much bigger. To support the work of all funds, the film team is making the film available for free for funds to use as a fundraising and communication tool.

The short documentary can be a powerful fundraiser, or a centerpiece for a panel discussion about your fund's work and intersecting issues. Funds hosting a screening will be provided with promotional resources, a social media toolkit, and event facilitation tips. Our team is here to support your event with planning or logistics, as well.

If your fund is interested in holding a screening of the film and or using the film to raise funds for your organization, please fill out our screening request form. Once you submit the form, a member of our team will reach out to you about organizing a screening and get you set up to share the film with your community. If you are interested in having a filmmaker join your event, please let us know. Thank you for all that you do, and we look forward to supporting you in any way we can!

Resources for Your Event: Click here to access promotional resources and social media assets for your screening.